Monday, June 23, 2008

Response to "Mr. Bush spying on America"

As my classmate has pointed out in, the matter before Congress is to pass Bush’s domestic spying bill and to fight against terrorism or hold the line of protecting this country’s freedoms. But her letter seems to suggest that the bill has no positive features with only terrible consequences. If this were the case there would be little need for debate and the matter would be resolved very quickly. Instead I see this as a case of how much gain for what cost. Here is where I agree with my classmate; as she points out a warrant can be obtained within 72 hours, or even after the surveillance has started. This makes it seem like Bush is repeatedly trying to do his best to avoid the law, making it seem to be very little gain at the cost of Americans freedoms. So, why the criticism for someone I’m agreeing with? In her letter she comes across as being far off center and we need to show more moderation. Centered rhetoric will win the support needed to defeat this bill. President Bush has put this country on the thinnest of constitutional ice; and allowing him more power at the expense of more constitutional freedom could eventually sink this country. We cannot allow spying on Americans without proper warrants or compliance with FISA. We need a more responsible person to lead the country off the thin ice Bush has put us on.

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