Friday, June 13, 2008

Dying in Detention

Recent studies have shown that the Government seems to care less and less about our border control everyday. The recent editorial Dying in Detention published found at describes how many illegal immigrants being kept in detention centers are dying based on the lack of attention. Even though citizens of the United States are refusing to pay tax revenue to these illegal immigrants they still deserve to be treated as equals, and it’s only fair that these detainees receive proper medical attention.

Although it might seem unfair to pay higher taxes for people that aren't qualified to live in our country, it’s the humane thing to do. If we intentionally deny giving these detainees proper attention, especially in the medical field, just because they aren't "American" isn't that considered a form of genocide? As well why should community jails holding hundreds of harmful civilians get the proper attention just because they are legal, only in the residence sense? It isn’t correct and doesn't abide by our freedom rights stating that everyone is equal. We shouldn't allow discrimination based on our actions to destroy members of a group by causing serious bodily or mental harm. It’s selfish and unjust.

If these illegal immigrants aren't treated properly by Americans, and more and more are dying based on lack of Americans living conditions, what kind of judgment are other countries going to make? These detention centers are creating harmful opinions of our country, especially at a crucial time when we could use more allies on our side. In order to gain allies we need to practice and demonstrate the human characteristic of respect. We all know in our hearts it’s wrong for government to put down these actions upon those that can't help their current situations, so who's going to tell government to stop?

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