Friday, June 27, 2008

Deadly experiments!

The recent New York Times article “The Government Seeks Dismissal of End-of-World Suit Against Collier, is very disturbing. Scientists from America and Switzerland began working together in 1998 and have developed a Large Hadron Collider whose main purpose is to smash sub atomic particles together at the speed of light in able to create new forms of matter and physics. While testing this collider two huge outcomes have developed. One, being it has the capability to create small black holes that have the potential of eating planet Earth. If these black holes don’t kill us, this collider can create a deadly matter called strangelets almost instantly wiping out all living creatures. Two well-known scientists brought a lawsuit against the European Center for Nuclear Research hoping to stop the start up of this collider.

Recently the government has come to the decision to deny these scientists’ lawsuit allowing researchers to fire up this bad boy. Calling this case “overly speculative and not credible” it seems like the government is not willing to rely on the expert opinions of someone as intelligent as a radiation safety expert and published scientific writer and would say this is a BAD IDEA!!! Undoubtedly it’s unbelievable that the research scientists had the courage to come up with this massive destructor in the first place. The government is denying the lawsuit that might potentially protect us and this makes me worry that this is an experiment waiting to go horribly wrong. If the large Hadron Collider has even the slightest potential of causing harm to the human race why aren’t we getting rid of this thing as fast as possible. Yes, science has come a long way but can we trust the original developers to provide us with all the detailed information involving potential dangers. They have invested numerous years of work and billions of dollars have been spent on this project. Is the government trying to save face or humanity? How does our national government really feel about our safety? It appears that they are worried about developing new technology of the future while putting the human race at risk. This collider has been around since 1998 and it is amazing that we still have something this deadly in our possessions. With the government’s recent decision, what impression are we to be left with? Technology should not be valued over human life

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